Common Goldeneye

Field Trip: Quail Lake and Vicinity

Sat, Feb 10, 2024

7:30 AM — 11:30 AM

Leaders: Mark and Janet Scheel

Join us for a trip to the extreme northwest corner of LA County, where we will look for waterbirds, raptors, and other winter visitors that are hard to find elsewhere in the county. Both Scaup species are usually present, along with Common Goldeneye and Common Merganser. Both Bald and Golden Eagles are possible, as are Ferruginous Hawk and Prairie Falcon. Past rarities seen at Quail Lake include Barrow’s Goldeneye, California Condor, Long-tailed Duck, and White-winged Scoter.

We will be walking the entire length of Quail Lake, which is about a mile each way on level gravel. If people are especially enthusiastic, we can bird other places in the area after Quail Lake.

Currently signup is limited to LAB members, who will receive an email with instructions for how to sign up.