
Field Trip: Mt. Wilson Road/Eaton Saddle

Sat, Jan 27, 2024

Leaders: Lance Benner and Naresh Satyan

Come join us for a leisurly hike in the San Gabriel Mountains at Eaton Saddle on the Mt. Wilson Road. We’re going to walk along a dirt road that climbs gently from the Mt. Wilson Road to Markham Saddle (about 1/2 mile) and then descend a few hundred feet over about 1.5 miles through an area of extensive montane chaparral. Elevations will vary from 5300 feet to about 4900 feet.

Target birds: mid-level montane forest species, Canyon Wren, Rock Wren, Mountain Quail, various woodpeckers, up to three types of Fox Sparrows, and other montane chaparral species. Montane raptors such as Golden Eagle and Peregrine Falcon are possible.

We will identify a lot of species by ear and we’re going to discuss and apply techniques for sound recording. Bring sunscreen, sturdy shoes, a floppy hat, water, recording equipment if you have it (a cell phone is fine), and, of course, binoculars. If the weather is clear, this trip should provide some gorgeous scenery.

We will provide more information about logistics to participants a few days before the trip.

Currently signup is limited to LAB members, who will receive an email with instructions for how to sign up.